Our Services - Assisting Employees
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Most of us consider work a key to our sense of
identity and self worth. If things go wrong, it can have a
devastating effect on us both financially and emotionally. We have
helped many people by giving realistic, practical and jargon-free
advice to get the best result for you.
Funding is a particularly important issue, particularly if you have
just lost your job. For more information on funding please refer to
our guidance on this website.
We can help you in many areas of employment law, including:
and Compromise Agreements:
We will get you the best available deal when
negotiating Severance / Compromise Agreements.
You may have been unfairly dismissed for supposed
misconduct, or dismissed for alleged poor performance. You
may have been forced to resign. We will give you practical,
realistic advice on the value and merits of your claim and
take the claim all the way to a Tribunal hearing if
settlement is not possible.
on the grounds of sex, race, disability, sexual orientation
and religious belief is unlawful and can have a devastating
effect on the victim. Few employers ever admit to
discrimination or harassment and some will do it
unwittingly. We have substantial experience in all types of
discrimination claims and are skilled at presenting Tribunal
bullying and harassment:
can help you if you are being bullied at work. We may be
able to stop it happening, or if things have gone too far,
we can seek a negotiated severance for you.
We can advise you on how best to present your case
at disciplinary or grievance hearings.
from your pay:
If your boss has docked your pay without your
written consent, or failed to pay you for accrued holiday,
you may be able to claim ‘unlawful deduction of
wages’. We can help stop this happening or bring a
claim to recover the money docked.
excessive hours:
If your employer is working you like a slave, or
failing to give you paid holiday, they may be in breach of
the Working Time Regulations.
& Paternity Rights:
you are a mother-to-be or have given birth, we can intervene
when your health and safety has been threatened, or your
employment put at risk and can clarify what your legal
rights are. There is now the right to paternity leave,
unpaid parental leave and unpaid time off to deal with
family emergencies. We can advise you on these rights and
how to apply them.
Parents with children under the age of six and
disabled children have the legal right to request flexible
working. We can help you assert this right.
you a whistle blower? You may become aware that something
illegal, unlawful or unethical is going on in your
organisation. We will advise you what to do about it and act
for you if you suffer a detriment as a result of making a
protected disclosure.
Don’t forget, most claims must generally be
received by the Employment Tribunal no later than three
months from the date of the last act complained of. You
should now normally make use of internal procedures (such as
appeals or grievances) before bringing a claim in the
Tribunal. If you do so you may be entitled to an extension
of time in which to bring your claim.
EMB Solicitors is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number: 513887).
Principal: Eliza Callaghan, LLB(Hons)
Read the
SRA Rules